Monday - God's Call - 1 Kings 19:11-13
We have read throughout the Bible of the different ways the Lord, God speaks to individuals and groups. God has spoken th ough what sounded like thunder on Mt. Sinai. He spoke with the sound of rushing waters to the prophet Ezekiel. He spoke out of the clouds and heavens in the Gospels declaring Jesus to be, "My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (listen to Him)." Yet to the prophet Elijah it was not though the wind, or the earthquake, or the fire; but it was with a still, small voice.. .a whisper. Yet however God speaks, His message is one that calls for a response whether verbal or experiential. God calls for action.
Tuesday - Consecration - Romans 12:1
Just as the call of God comes in different ways, our response to His call begins with an act of consecration. We humble ourselves before the Almighty God and enter His Presence with care and praise, adoration and yet also fear (a reverent awe). When God called the people to Mt. Sinai, they were consecrate (prepare, cleanse) themselves to draw near to this Holy God. Paul speaks that in view of all the God has done though grace and mercy, that we must offer ourselves to Him in total dedication and humility as a sacrifice that would be pleasing in His sight. And Paul reminds us that it is our reasonable (logical, smart) response filled with love.
Wednesday - Divine Messenger - John 6:38-40; 7:29
Heavenly messenger have often been sent in biblical times. The most important messenger that was sent from the presence of God has been Jesus Christ. Jesus came to bring the word of God by living His life as an example for all of us throughout the ages since His birth. Jesus came not to do or speak of His own will but to speak and do the will of the heavenly Father who sent Him. We are to take up that task as well through being disciples of Christ, living and speaking not of our own wills but just as Jesus did, speak and live out the will of our Father in heaven so that "His kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Thursday - Spiritual Blindness - John 12:37-41
Isaiah's recorded message comes to fulfillment here in this passage from the Gospel of John. After Jesus had done many signs and wonders, miracles that could not be denied as being from God, there were those who still could not see and believe that Jesus was the One sent by God. That God was fulfilling the Promise of Messiah through the Son, Jesus of Nazareth. It is not that God did not want men to see and believe in His Son, but God wanted to make sure that their unbelief was seen as a spiritual blindness that came from within them, from their hearts. No matter what miracles and signs would have been done, they would not believe.
Friday - Spiritual Deafness - 2 Timothy 4:1-5
In loving compassionate care, Paul encourages his spiritual son Timothy to stay true to the calling that God had laid upon Him. Paul instructs Timothy to do the work of preaching and pasturing, even when those who have the Word declared to them may not receive it but turn away from it initially or after time. Paul knew what it was like to have people suddenly stop and not listen any further , and he also knew of those who received the truth and them left it behind and moved on. Paul tells Timothy to continue faithfully and leave the rest to God.
Saturday - Worldly Fullness - Revelation 3:17-18
Jesus writes a letter to the Church of Laodicea that could be descriptive of a church of today. Those who were a part of this church thought of themselves as having it all, yet they were considered by God to be wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. Yet even with all of those strikes (so to speak) against them, Jesus was willing to make all that they needed available to them so that they could be rich in what really counts, clothed in purity and brilliance, healed of all the corruption that had come their way that would keep them from seeing what God had made ready for them and for us to see. But we cannot receive it all until we see our need and turn to the Provider of Blessings.