Monday - Holy Articles - Numbers 3:30-31
From the very beginning of the setting up of the tabernacle and later on the Temple, there were certain goblets, the ark, the table, the lampstand and other articles used in the worship of God that were set aside (sanctified) to be only used by the priests in those worship services. These items were not for everyday or common usage but for the specific services in worship of God Most High. And only certain priests were placed in charge of them. In the story from Daniel we see that these sacred items were being used in unholy ways.
Tuesday - Finger of God - Luke 11:20
Throughout scripture when God revealed His power and mighty it was talked about as the moving or working of His mighty right arm. But to relate how strong God was in wisdom and justice the Bible speaks of the finger of God. In Luke, Jesus shares that if He cast out demons using the power of just the finger of God that the people would know that the kingdom of God had come. Jesus was sharing that the will of God is so powerful that God's finger could make all the difference in the world. In the story of Belshazzar in the book of Daniel, the handwriting on the wall was done by the finger of God and delivered a powerful message that brought fear to the king and his partying companions.
Wednesday - Guilty Fear - Hebrews 10:26-27
The writer of Hebrews shares with us that when we deliberately continue to sin without regard to the will, calling, and commands of God, there will be no sacrifice left to be offered. And when there is no sacrifice that would be acceptable then only the fearful expectation of God's judgment is left for us to receive and with that comes the unquenchable, all-consuming fire of destruction. When the handwriting of God appeared for Belshazzar, he was filled with a guilty fear to the point his knees knocked together.
Thursday - Hearts Searched - Jeremiah 17:10
God deals with us in a fare and appropriate way according to what our life's deeds deserve. In the verse we see that God declares Himself as the One who can rightly search a man's heart, discovering his motives, and He can examine the mind, understanding the logic that we use to guide our actions, and with all of that information brings the correct reward to go along with the conduct that we demonstrated. That reward may be one that is uplifting if our actions and motives have been right, but the reward could also be destructive if we have acted in such a way as to destroy the honorable relationship that we ought to have with God and with others.
Friday - Divine Balances - Revelation 6:5
In the story from Daniel we saw how Belshazzar had been put on the scales and weighed and was found to be lacking in what counted or what brought about balance in life. In this passage from the book of Jesus' Revelation to John, we see that again the idea of a set of balance scales will be used to balance out the blessings of God to the value of the individual that is being weighed. Belshazzar was found not to be of the proper weight and so was seen as need to have done more but it was too late. What we have need of will also be measured out to us in an appropriate ways according to the balance of God's marvelous grace that is extended to us.
Saturday - Sins Penalty - Romans 5:12
Just as in the time of Belshazzar, sin will be dealt with in a most just fashion. Paul shared that sin came into the realm of this world by one man and through that action of influence death also came. It comes to all men, for all mankind have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God's blessing. In chapter 6 and verse 23 it tells us that what is earned by wrong doing (sin) is death, and that is seen in the idea of both physical and spiritual death. There is no escape from the judgment of God, for the opportunity to repent and gain forgiven (eternal life) is just as available, if accepted by men who pray.