Monday - Christ's Name - John 14:13
In the passage from Sunday we read how that salvation comes through the power of the name of Jesus and for His Name's sake. When we pray asking for the will of God in Jesus Name or for His Name's sake, we are recognizing the fact that everything that makes up our relationship with God is granted through the atoning work of Jesus, the Christ of God. We must remember that Joseph was told to name the child Jesus for He would take away the sins of the world.
Tuesday - Childlikeness - Mark 10:15
We have been told over and over again by Jesus through illustrations and stories found in the gospels, that we need to be like children when it comes to the inheritance of, entering into, or taking possession of the kingdom of heaven. When the disciples asked to be with Jesus when He came into His kingdom, Jesus brought the child in the middle of them all and said that they needed to become as one of these little ones. It takes an innocence, as well as dependent faith, to gain the good things of God including a heavenly home. We must learn to trust in God through Jesus Christ for guidance and leadership throughout our lives, day by clay, living and growing up in Him.
Wednesday - Sin Forgiven - Hebrews 9:22
Since the time of the law, the instruction from God to Moses was that nearly everything must be made clean through the application of the blood of the sacrifice. It was also revealed that their would be no forgiveness without the application of the blood of the lamb. And we still hold all of this as true today, the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ our sacrifice, needs to be applied to our hearts and lives so that we will be made clean and can have the proper relationship with God through salvation and the forgiveness of sin.
Thursday - Overcomers/Spiritual Victory - 1 John 4:4; 5:4
John lets us know that we have the victory over the power of evil and death because of the One who has proven Himself to be the great "Overcomer." Jesus has conquered everything that is evil in this world and more. He gives us that power so that we too can overcome the evil temptations of this world. Our faith and trust in Him, being born again in God, will lead us to be overcomers in this world. Whatever we may face, through Christ, we can be victorious in standing up against it.
Friday - Spiritual Maturity - 1 John 2:14
Maturity, from being the young ones to the fathers and mothers, comes from a series of events in the relationship of walking with God on a daily basis. Paul spoke of it in 1 Corinthians 13:11 as putting away the childish things when it came to how they thought. To the Ephesian Church, Paul wrote that we need to come to the place of unity within the body of Christ to attain the wholeness or fullness of Christ and become mature. The writer of the Book of Hebrews encourages us to eat the meat, or solid food, the deeper understanding of Scripture, so as to become mature in our ability to determine what is good from evil.
Saturday - Spiritual Power - Ephesians 3:16
Just as Jesus came back from the wilderness experience of temptation in the power of the Spirit, we too can have spiritual power to overcome the evil that would try to rob us of our relationship with Christ and God the Father. That spiritual power comes to us as we allow the Word of God to live within us. As we abide in that relationship being branches intertwined with the vine that truly gives us life. It is that power that gives us the ability to overcome, to grow into mature Christians and enables us to spread the good news of the gospel to those we love and come to meet along the journey with Jesus.