Announcements - July 19th, 2015
- Monday, August 3rd through Thursday August 6th 5:00 - 8:00 PM Vacation Bible School "God Of The Underdogs"
- Friday, August 7th 5:00 - 8:00 PM - Back to School Bash
- Tuesday, July 28th at 6:30 PM - Dinner sponsored by the Senior Adults. All are welcome
- Meet the challenge - A challenge was placed before the ministry of Christian Education through Cody Thomas who will be headed for Africa soon to teach in a Christian school and touch the lives of children representing many international cultures. $10.00 a month to be given at the beginning of each month is the challenge that was made. Will you accept the challenge and have a part in this ministry for Christ's Kingdoms sake? Simply note in your checks memo line or on the tithing envelope that your $10.00 is in support of "Cody's Call Fund" and drop it in the offering plate each month.
- The ministry to assist the No Hunger Food Pantry continues. Each month, an item(s) will be selected for us to donate to this community outreach. Items needed are cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, disk soap, Clorox, disinfectant wipes, windex, etc. A collection box is located in the foyer for you to place your donations.
- Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 PM - "Have you not heard that it was said?".
- Caravan 5:00 - 7:00 PM Sunday evenings
- Crisis Care Kits/Bags and lists of needed items are in the foyer. See Janey Singleton for details.
- The NYI is offering discount cards to area stores and restaurants for $20 as a fund raiser for activities and ministries. See James Hinzman or one of our teens for details.
- If you have items that you would like to see on the church monthly calender or in the bulletin, please give that information to Susan Vanscoy or Pastor Dave.