Monday - God Knows David - 1 Samuel 13:14
In this passage of scripture we see how Samuel declares to Saul that God knows the overall heart of each man and knows whether we are seeking after God or not. Samuel tells Saul that the future of the kingdom has been taken out of the hands of Saul and given to one whose heart is and will (overall) seek what God's will might be for himself and for God's people. That man would be David, who Samuel has anointed to be the next king of Israel. God knows our hearts as well and will bless us and make us a blessing for His kingdom's sake.
Tuesday - God Exalts - 2 Samuel 7:8
God sent Nathan, the prophet, to speak to David about a promise that God had for him. Verses 8-16 share how God has been with David and how God will continue to be with David's descendants, keeping them on the throne forever (this being accomplished through the coming of Messiah, Jesus). But the whole promised is based in the fact that it is and always will be the hand of God that lifts shepherd boys to kingly heights.
Wednesday - Divine Favor - Acts 7:45-47
In relationship to the worship of God and God's knowledge of the motives of the heart, favor was extended to Israel's leadership like Moses, Joshua, Samuel and David. David had the desire to build a place of permanent Worship of Yahweh because of the shame of living in a beautiful palace while God was being worshipped in a tent. David was allowed to help gather the building materials, but because of his hands being stained with the blood of war, his son Solomon was allowed to build the Temple for him. When we desire to do the work of God, having the right motive as the center, we may experience the favor of the Lord and the richness of His blessing.
Thursday - David's Humble Repentance - Psalm 51
There have been those who ask the question how can a man who committed grievous sins such as adultery and murder, be considered a man after God's own heart? We must look at David the way that the Lord looks at him and us after the time of repentance, turning from the life of sin. David's cry was that God would not look at his sin any more but wash him with whatever it would take to cleanse his heart to make him worthy of being found in the Presence of God. David knew that the work of cleansing could only be done by God through the power of His forgiveness.
Friday - Son of David - Mark 12:35-37
Jesus shares in this revealing scene that He is a Son of David and can be Lord or Messiah at the same time. For Jesus uses the very words of this patriarch to point out the fact that the Messiah would be Lord even to the beloved king of Israel that all Israelites looked up to. Jesus knew that some were hung up on the fact that He was known as Jesus of Nazareth, not remembering or knowing that He was born in Bethlehem the city of David.
Saturday - God's Promises - 2 Corinthians 1:20
Paul here shares the truth that all the promises that God has made find their fulfillment in Jesus being the Christ, the omnipotent Messiah, who allows and provides for all those promises to be completed to the full meaning of "Amen," and let it be so. Paul when speaking of what God was and is doing through His Word that was being preached as not vacillating, but being constant and as true as God Himself. We need to rely upon the promises of God without worry For His promises are true.