Monday - Time is of the Essence - Galatians 6:9
As we saw in the story of Esther, she became concerned about doing what was truly the right thing to do to save her people, which was the will of God. We are to not grow weary of doing what is right for there is coming a time of harvest, reward or retribution that will take place. There is a timing that is involved and we need to be faithful to see that the tasks are done so as to be prepared when Christ Jesus returns. We cannot give up on what God wants us to do as laborers of the kingdom. We should not give up even when the pressure to quit, surrender, is upon us.
Tuesday - Relief and Deliverance - Psalm 68:19-20
Mordecai lets Esther know that for God's people relief and deliverance will come from somewhere. God is faithful to the promises to those who follow after Him daily. The Psalmist reminds us that God is a God of salvation and that in His hands salvation come to those who live lives of praise to Him. God makes ways of escape from even death itself as a part of the daily work that He performs on our behalf. God has a way of using those who will yield themselves to His bidding. Mordecai shared with Esther that if she did not want to be the answer God would raise up someone else but saying no to God has it consequences.
Wednesday - Help From Somewhere - Hebrews 4:15-16
God has resources available to Him that we have no idea of where they come. In my ministry I have known people who were at the end of what they thought were available to them as far as resources go. But just at the right moment, sometimes just in the nick of time, need resources seem to be given from individuals or places we never thought of as being the answer for them. God uses His blessings to cause others to want to be a blessing, ad the work gets accomplished.. .needs are met. Sometimes we forget that we have a Lord, a High Priest, that understands our situations in life and brings about aid (grace) that meets our specific need.
Thursday - Fasting with Purpose - Matthew 6:16-18
Esther asked for Mordecai and the people of Israel to fast with her an for her so that she would be courageous and accomplish the task of influencing the King to retract the judgment against the Israelites. It was for a certain purpose. That purpose is the will of God for His people. Jesus taught that fasting was not for the purpose of letting people know you are fasting, to gain recognition or praise; but to fast in secret, just between you and God. This was to bring about the "reward" that we can gain from God as a part of the glorious plan that He has in place. The purpose of fasting should be a godly purpose.
Friday - Three Days and Counting - Exodus 19:10-19
In the passage from Esther we see that the call to fast was for three days. This was not the first time that the idea of three days of preparation were important. When God came down to meet the People and Moses in the wilderness, they were to cleanse and sanctifying themselves for three days. Jesus was in the grave for three days before setting the fullness of salvation in place through resurrection. On that third day Jesus rose triumphant over sin and death for us so that we would never die.
Saturday - Not According To the Law - Galatians 5:22-26
In the passage from Esther we know that her hesitation came when she realized too that she would have to go against the law of the Assyrians about the proper way to approach the King. But we know that just as Mordecai encouraged her and the Spirit of God gave her strength, we too have the strength, the fruit of the Spirit to get us through the toughest of situations. For when we live our lives according to the fruit of the Spirit, no one can find fault with what we do for there is no law that argues, condemns, or even considers doing what is truly right.. .being wrong. Let us live according to the right "For Such a Time as This."