Monday - Spiritual Fullness - Ephesians 3:19
As we think of the tremendous fellowship we can have with God through Jesus Christ, we come to understand more and more that it is based in a love that we can not fully know, yet it can come into our lives in such a way as to fill us so full that we are overwhelmed by its greatness. To think of how Paul shared it with the Church of Ephesus as being filled with the fullness of God, where do we begin to describe its richness. The satisfaction that comes to our hearts is powerful, leading us to that idea that our "hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and His righteousness....wholly lean on Jesus name."
Tuesday - Spiritual Joy - 1 Peter 1:8
The fellowship goes beyond words and visible evidence. But a joy can come over us that lifts us to heights that help us soar over the realm of stresses and problems. A place of inner peace and contentment that, even though we have not seen Him, we love Him and believe in Him to the where we can greatly rejoice in the midst of strife with and inexpressible joy and sense that we are in the presence of God in all His glory. Not alone, but in the sweet fellowship that Christ brings to us and leads us into more deeply.
Wednesday - Spiritual Darkness - John 3:19
The only way that someone can miss out on the great fellowship that is possible with God, is if they have chosen to live outside the influence of His marvelous light and desire to live in the darkness. This is not saying that the light has not been available for them but that they have chosen a way of life that exists outside the circle of light. They have chosen the shadows rather than the light that allows us to see clearly the full spectrum of grace that has been extended to us by God, through Jesus Christ. Honestly, I do not know how they can pass up on this great fellowship of living in the light of His love.
Thursday - Spiritual Cleansing - 1 John 1:7
Some look at living in the light as something that they cannot accomplish and in a sense they cannot. It takes walking not our own way or an easy way but it takes the energy to seek out the way of the light and following the path that His light shines on. That is where Jesus is and if we walk with Him He will give you and I the strength to walk that path and He will do the cleansing of hearts, and lives, by taking us through the blood that He shed for the remission of our sins. Yet the verse in 1 John says that He will cleanse us from all sin. Not just the acts of sins committed but the desire to want to do wrong. His blood continues to cleanse (keep us clean) as we continue to walk in His marvelous light (that is sweet fellowship).
Friday - Spiritual Knowledge - John 8:31-32
Jesus shared with those who would listen that if they would just allow His words to abide in their hearts and direct their lives, they would come to a point where they would understand (have knowledge of) what was truth and that knowledge of truth would certainly set them free from choosing the wrong ideas to govern their lives. It will be a knowledge grounded in the evidence of who Jesus is and the true purpose of God in His life and in our own. A spiritual knowledge that will establish our steps as we walk in the light as He is in the light without fear of judgment or condemnation. It will give us freedom to live the fullness of life.
Saturday - Spiritual Dawn - 2 Peter 1:19
The knowledge, of the light that leads us to the fellowship with Christ and fellow-believers, comes to us as we examine and pay attention to the words of scripture (whether it be from the prophets or apostles). It reveals to us the truth we need for each day to piece together the full story of Jesus and His love. The knowledge that we glean from scripture each day is a dawning to that deepening relationship that we have establish at that moment that we first believed in Christ Jesus, but also points us towards the dawning of the day when Jesus the Morning Star, will arise not only in our hearts but on that day that ushers in our home-going for eternity.