Monday - Christ, Lord - Acts 2:36
Peter, along with Paul, came to understand the place of Jesus of Nazareth in the plan of God. Peter shares on that day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was the Messiah the Sent One from God, and that is was through Him that the salvation of not only Israel but the world would take place, based on faith in Him. Speaking to the people from the statements of Prophets like Joel, Peter gives the evidence of proof that the people were looking towards for the assurance of what was taking place.
Tuesday - Predestination - 1 Peter 1:20
Here again Peter agrees with Paul's words from Ephesians that, as a part of the great plan of God before the creation of the world, God was providing a way of salvation for fallen man through His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. That this plan of salvation is the mystery within the good news of the gospel. The work of Jesus Christ on the cross, payment for the sins of mankind, was figured in long before we could comprehend the need for it. God wanted to return man unto Himself in a relationship that was His own desire.
Wednesday - Foreordained Plan - Titus 1:2
Paul shares in this letter his understanding of the wisdom of God in providing for people of faith to be granted forgiveness of sins, receiving the gift of hope of eternal life. Paul helps Titus, as well as us, to understand the fact that God has placed within man a spirit that can respond in faith to the leading of His Spirit and so find a way to live our lives in the purpose of God. That purpose is shared in 2 Timothy 1:9. God desired to pour out His grace on us wanting all to be saved into a relationship with Him. "To
God be the glory great things He has done."
Thursday - Access - Hebrews 10:19-22
The writer of Hebrews shares that we have been granted a boldness to enter into the very Presence of God through the work of Jesus Christ on our behave. Yet Jesus sets Himself as the inviting entryway to God Presence, as a great high Priest that is like none other. As we look unto Jesus for the love lived out before us, we have our hearts washed clean by the cleansing waters that are purest that God can provide. Not only is our bodies made clean but our conscience is cleansed as well through the washing of many waters.
Friday - Spiritual Boldness - 1 Timothy 3:13
The boldness that we can have as we enter into the Presence of God, is granted to those who have a faith that reveals itself in service. Not in the order to earn access but to show that by faith we draw near and in drawing nearer to the Lord we see His work that needs to be done and we join Him in accomplishing the purposes of God on the earth. As we see the work of God being completed, we rejoice and are glad; while at the same time we gain a sense of assurance that God is pleased with us, and welcomes us unto Himself.
Saturday - Faith - Romans 10:9
We have seen, through the scripture from Sunday and the passages throughout the week, that by faith, or belief in Jesus as the Christ, we can be raised to newness of life through God's plan of salvation. A part of that plan is the fact that Jesus died for our sins and He was raised to life. In this passage today we see that not only must we have faith but we need to allow that faith to become active in our lives through the act of witnessing, or confessing that we hold to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is both Christ and Lord.
Peter, along with Paul, came to understand the place of Jesus of Nazareth in the plan of God. Peter shares on that day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was the Messiah the Sent One from God, and that is was through Him that the salvation of not only Israel but the world would take place, based on faith in Him. Speaking to the people from the statements of Prophets like Joel, Peter gives the evidence of proof that the people were looking towards for the assurance of what was taking place.
Tuesday - Predestination - 1 Peter 1:20
Here again Peter agrees with Paul's words from Ephesians that, as a part of the great plan of God before the creation of the world, God was providing a way of salvation for fallen man through His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. That this plan of salvation is the mystery within the good news of the gospel. The work of Jesus Christ on the cross, payment for the sins of mankind, was figured in long before we could comprehend the need for it. God wanted to return man unto Himself in a relationship that was His own desire.
Wednesday - Foreordained Plan - Titus 1:2
Paul shares in this letter his understanding of the wisdom of God in providing for people of faith to be granted forgiveness of sins, receiving the gift of hope of eternal life. Paul helps Titus, as well as us, to understand the fact that God has placed within man a spirit that can respond in faith to the leading of His Spirit and so find a way to live our lives in the purpose of God. That purpose is shared in 2 Timothy 1:9. God desired to pour out His grace on us wanting all to be saved into a relationship with Him. "To
God be the glory great things He has done."
Thursday - Access - Hebrews 10:19-22
The writer of Hebrews shares that we have been granted a boldness to enter into the very Presence of God through the work of Jesus Christ on our behave. Yet Jesus sets Himself as the inviting entryway to God Presence, as a great high Priest that is like none other. As we look unto Jesus for the love lived out before us, we have our hearts washed clean by the cleansing waters that are purest that God can provide. Not only is our bodies made clean but our conscience is cleansed as well through the washing of many waters.
Friday - Spiritual Boldness - 1 Timothy 3:13
The boldness that we can have as we enter into the Presence of God, is granted to those who have a faith that reveals itself in service. Not in the order to earn access but to show that by faith we draw near and in drawing nearer to the Lord we see His work that needs to be done and we join Him in accomplishing the purposes of God on the earth. As we see the work of God being completed, we rejoice and are glad; while at the same time we gain a sense of assurance that God is pleased with us, and welcomes us unto Himself.
Saturday - Faith - Romans 10:9
We have seen, through the scripture from Sunday and the passages throughout the week, that by faith, or belief in Jesus as the Christ, we can be raised to newness of life through God's plan of salvation. A part of that plan is the fact that Jesus died for our sins and He was raised to life. In this passage today we see that not only must we have faith but we need to allow that faith to become active in our lives through the act of witnessing, or confessing that we hold to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is both Christ and Lord.