Monday - Living Water - John 4:3-15
In thinking about the water that came out of the Temple in the vision of Ezekiel, it was a water that gave life to the valley and to the people all of the trees and animals. It pointed to a time when there would be provided, a source of living water that would satisfy all the needs of mankind. That water source is the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God. He is the gift given by God that will meet all of our needs; body, soul, and mind. And He is offered to us today. Would you drink of that living water? It will change your life forever.
Tuesday - Spiritual Progress - 1 Timothy 4:1-15
Just as in the scripture from Sunday we saw how as Ezekiel followed the man who was measuring off the river a thousand cubits each time the river progressively grew deeper and wider. This was to symbolize the idea that our faith, our relationship with God is to progress in a deeper understanding and a wider perspective as if it were the perspective of God. Paul was teaching his student, Timothy to serve the Lord hi like fashion so that people would recognize his spiritual progress as he daily walked and taught for God.
Wednesday - Growth of Kingdom - Mark 4:31-32
Just as there were benefits along the river of living water that continued to expand, trees continually bearing fruit that provided for the needs of all, the benefits of the Kingdom of God are such that when planted, like the mustard seed, the smallest of seeds, they grow to provided much more than expected. The mustard seed grows a plant which have branches that the birds can perch and even build their nests in them. God's Kingdom is ever expanding and always reaching out to make room for all. Would you enter in to that Kingdom and partake of the good things of God? They are truly sweet.
Thursday - Spiritual Food - John 6:51
Just as God was providing the goodness along that river of living water, He has given us Jesus Christ who told us that He was the living bread and that this bread was the bread of life. Jesus compared it with the manna that God sent down from heaven to feed Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness, but said that He, or this bread, was better, greater than the manna. This bread was for everlasting life. Jesus was willing to give this bread, His flesh) for the life of the whole world, to all that would eat or partake of it. That is what communion is symbolizing as well.
Friday - Spiritual Fruit - Matthew 13:3-8; 23
The parable of Jesus about the sower and the seed speaks of a focus thought of the fruit of the Kingdom of God. The conditions of fruit bearing is that there would be good seed (the word of God), good (living) water, and the blessing of sunlight (radiance of God Presence). The fruit or the crop is only known to be good once it is eaten or taken in to the body. The good fruit, the harvest from the fields feeds the soul and gives opportunity to be shared and feed more than just one. The sower shares the wages (good fruit) of their labor with those who harvest for they are co-laborers, and because it has been shared with them by the owner of the field and the giver of the seed.
Saturday - Spiritual Healing - Luke 4:18
In Ezekiel we read that even the leaves of the trees had a purpose in God's plan, healing. We know how Jesus referred to Himself as the vine and we were the branches, an extension of Him. But in Jesus we find that He was anointed and sent by God to be our all in all. He came to bring life by being the living water and the bread of life, but Jesus was also sent to do so much more among us. He came to bring a good news that would bring healing to our minds by giving us the living word to meditate upon. He came to usher in freedom to those who seemed trapped in the painful snares that the devil has set. Jesus came to reverse the illnesses that have robbed our lives of comfort, peace, and faith to see that in Him we have our well being and only in Him. He came and reaches out to us even now to bring about a release to those who are oppressed, burdened so heavy that they can not breath. Jesus came!