Monday - The Growth of God's Kingdom - Isaiah 9:7
Both the text from Sunday and this familiar passage from Isaiah speak to the growth or increase of the Kingdom as drawing all nations to "His Holy Mountain" or Christ's (God's) Kingdom. The establishment of this kingdom will be undeniably world recognized and desired. All who come and draw near to this kingdom will be blessed by the Almighty who will accomplish it in righteousness and justice, fairness and joy...forever and forevermore.
Tuesday - The Call of the Gentiles - Ephesians 3:6
The drawing of all nations and peoples to this kingdom will be a mystery to so many, whether Israelite or Gentile. There shall be a drawing of all who would believe to come together as one body, heirs to receive the blessings that God desires to give His children. We will have the opportunity to share together in the goodness of the Lord in such a way because of the promises in Christ Jesus. We are co-heirs with Christ and our inheritance will be more than we could ever imagine. And like the song states, "We can only imagine."
Wednesday - The Teaching of God - 1 Thessalonians 4:9
The Kingdom to which we are called and the joining with others can only occur with the living out of the teaching of "Love's Great Lesson" which is brotherly love. It is taught to us by god and instilled in our hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit as part of that special fruit given to us. In 1 John 2:27 it tells us that it is an anointing of God that teaches us about all the things we need to know in relationship to God and our fellow believers. And we are to remain in Him and in that anointing for it is the real thing and cannot be counterfeited.
Thursday - Divine Teaching - 2 John 9
In just this short letter from John He shares with us that the true lessons that we need to learn are taught to us by the Father and the Son and that we are to continue in the depth of Their teaching so as to not fall short of having God in our lives...our hearts...ourselves. In the gospel of John, John shares the important words of Jesus that we need to remain in Him and have his Words remain in us to that we can have eternal life and truly live. It comes to be understood by the blending of these thoughts that to be found in God and Christ, God and Christ has to be found in us through our living out the Divine teachings of both.
Friday - The Swords of War - Hosea 2:18
There is coming a day when God will make a covenant between man and the rest of creation, that all will be able to lay down (co-exist) in a peace that cannot be manufactured, conjured up by man in any way, shape, or form. In Sunday's text, we came to realize that the swords and other implements of war (and even war itself) will be beaten, changed into something that will be used to bring growth and productivity back for the propagation of life for all His creation.
Saturday - Walk In the Light - Isaiah 9:7
We come back around to that passage in Isaiah that we hear just about every Christmas because of its importance: "Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end..." This peace will be the enlightenment of God given to man and will be understood by all. The wisdom of God will be finally grasp by human minds and hearts, after we come to see that the Light of that peace is the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, who alone can bring about such a power and long-awaited gift. To God be the glory great things He is teaching us and great things He will do.