Monday - Divine Vision - Exodus 3:9
So often when we think of Divine vision we think of how we can gain the insight that the Heavenly Father has, His perspective, His point of view. But when we come to the story of the Lord God getting Moses ready to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt, we see that it is about how God sees and recognizes the plight of His people. He sees clearly what was.. .what is... and what will happen through His might and strength. The eye sight of God is more than what we call 20/20. His vision is perfect in all ways and all times and in comprehended by Him. God saw their affliction just as He sees what we are going through and He will answer our outcry if we trust in and wait on Him.
Tuesday - Divine Knowledge - Matthew 6:8
We say that God is omniscient, meaning that He knows all things and everything about all things. But yet in our time of need we have the occasion to forget that He knows all about our situation and knows what we have need of even before we think to ask. Even before we have formulated our request God knows what He wants to do about the situation... when.. .how... and why. God had allowed that growing up time for Moses of 40 years tending the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro, before even thinking about putting him in' charge of His plan to rescue the Israelites from Pharaoh.
Wednesday - Divine Direction - Luke 15:11-24
God has a way of giving us the clarity of mind to understand what needs to be done to return home. Just as it was going to take Moses and the Israelites trusting in God to bring them back to the land that was promised to Abraham's offspring through Isaac, God was willing to take the time to grant the wisdom in understanding the directives on how to get home as in the story of the prodigal son. When the boy came to His senses he knew what it would take to go back home even to be just a servant in his father's house. And that was okay, a true blessing over what he could do himself.
Thursday - Divine Call - Isaiah 6:1-8
The calling of God has come in so many different ways. With Moses, it was a direct voice heard speaking to him from a burning bush that was not consumed by the flames. To Isaiah, the call of the Divine One came when in fact Isaiah was in a loss of purpose and direction. In the year that His relative and friend King Uzziah died, God made Himself known and was worshipped by Isaiah and the angels. The calling was not direct but was an overheard question from God to the angels or possibly the Triune Godhead.. ."Who will go for us, whom shall we send?" In hearing that call Isaiah responded with the idea that he was there, willing and able by the grace and touch of God. Have you overheard such a call.
Friday - Divine Presence - Matthew 18:20
Moses was given the promise that in facing Pharaoh that he would not be alone but that God would go with him and give him all he needed to say. And that God would bring back to the land of promise made to Abraham. Jesus lets us know , as He did His followers, that wherever two or three or more are gathered in obedience to Him.. .in praise and worship of His Name.. .in love with Him, He would be with them (in the middle of them all). The wondrous presence of God will inhabit.. .abide.. .infiltrate... complete the sweet fellowship that we long to have in the truest sense of love that only God can give.
Saturday - Divine Leader - Psalm 77:20
God has a way of leading His people. Whether we want to think of how He did it in the past (in scripture) or how he is doing it in our time today (one step at a time, daily). God may choose to do it through others like Moses or do it like the shepherd David or our beloved Lord and Rabbi, Jesus the Christ. God does it with care and protection, strength and yet compassion, calling out to us or taking us by the hand. We can read about His leadership in scripture and in the lives of spiritual leaders down through the ages or we can sense the touch of His live on us through the Holy Spirit; leading us along the way that is best for us. God Divine leads His dear children along. Praise His Holy Name!